Friday, July 31, 2015

Cheesecake...and a new plan for how we eat

Yep, cheesecake...that's what was in my refrigerator the day I realized I was tired of being tired. It was my 35th birthday and we had a cheesecake chilling for the celebration. My hubby had been suggesting that I watch "Fed Up", a documentary about child obesity and the massive amounts of sugar consumed by Americans. So, I watched it, and my whole world was completely changed.

Tim had been on the Paleo diet last fall and lost 20 pounds and felt better than ever, but the holidays came and he just got back to eating carbs. So when I watched this documentary and had my mind blown by the concept of not eating sugar, he suggested that we go Paleo again.

So, that was 2 weeks ago, and we are on the eve of day 1. I thought it'd be good to blog about our journey. I know that I will not be able to post every day, and I may even get lost in the real world as I go back to school, but I wanted to at least try to blog, for as many days as I can to get started. Maybe I can at least look back at it and see where I started and where I'm headed.

Goals for our new diet:

1. I don't want this to feel like a diet. I want it to be a lifestyle change. I want to begin to embrace this new diet as a lifestyle decision that I can keep. I want to eliminate sugar until I get down to the size that I want to be and then slowly add some carbs to my diet from time to time.

2. Speaking of size, I don't really have an ideal size I see myself in, I just want my clothes to feel comfortable. I want to put clothes in my closet on and feel okay in them.

3. I want to be present in my holiday pictures. I don't want to hide from the camera because I'm fat or I don't like the way I look.

So here I am, at the beginning of this journey...hoping to get to a better me by the holidays. Goodbye Cheesecake!