Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's "Not Me" Monday

I most certainly did not see my youngest playing in our foyer with a dusting of carpet freshner on the floor and proceed to just laugh and walk away, only to hear my husband discover a little while later that my son had dumped the ENTIRE container on the floor and was proceeding to play in it with his cars in it like it was snow. We don't get snow here, so he was getting a feel for it, but that definitely didn't happen!

I definitely didn't wear the same outfit 2 Sundays in a row because I really like it and hoped that the girls at volleyball practice wouldn't notice. Nor did I walk to the mailbox Saturday in the same shorts and long sleeve shirt that I slept in.

I definitely didn't feed my 2 year old popcorn for breakfast on Thursday because he definitely eats wholesome nutricious meals at our house. Nor do I give into his candy cravings on a regular basis, since his askings from Santa are cars and candy, candy, candy.

I most definitely did not take my 4 year old Christmas shopping to buy my 2 year old another present because I thought "Santa" was jipping him. And my husband definitely didn't do the same with my 2 year old.

I definitely didn't order sock sacks for myself for Christmas because I'm tired of sorting and repairing socks til my little heart is content. Nor did I order 60 dollars worth of prizes for my students for next semester in order to bribe them for better test scores. These are things I definitely didn't do because everyone knows I don't buy things for myself.

And we are definitely not celebrating Santa early because we are staying home Christmas and not traveling for a surprise visit and wouldn't want to lug all the loot....MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cute about the air freshener/snow. We are NOT also celebrating Christmas early. Happy NMM.