Monday, January 26, 2009

Roman's School Report

Tim met with Roman's teacher today, as she was meeting with all parents. We gained a little understanding of where Roman falls in his class as far as developmental skills.

Apparently he scored higher on just about everything. He has analytical skills on a 5th grade level, which is crazy, his comprehension skills are on a 3rd grade level, and his writing skills are on a first grade level. I had no idea he was so brainy. Every parent thinks their child is smart, so we fall in that category, but we had no idea he fell so high on the spectrum.

His worst score came in the gross motor skills. He had problems hopping on one foot and switching to the other. He must get his leg coordination from me. Hee hee!

And finally, his favorite toys in the class are puzzles and action figures, and his teacher seriously thinks the only reason he plays with action figures is to associate with being a kid.

CRAZY! We are so proud, but we'd love him even if he was the class idiot!

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