Saturday, September 27, 2008

Raiden hits the big 2!

I've decided that no one follows my blog, so I could write pretty much anything and no one would know. In fact, for the past week I've debated on just deleting it. Oh well, maybe there is SOMEONE out there that follows along. Hopefully not a stalker.

Anyway, Raiden turns two in just a few days. We celebrated his birthday today. We just had cake and ice cream at the park, and of course we had presents. Every birthday I debate whether or not we should be buying the other son a present even though it's not really his birthday, but I always come to the conclusion that since the birthday boy gets so many new toys that he will not want to share, it's just easier to get the other one a present. I don't know how much longer that makes sense, but we'll see.

It was a blast! We had a very low key crowd and the party consisted more of just Raiden running around avoiding opening presents. He really liked the ball he got first, and just wanted to play with that. But he was so wound up by the end of the night it took him FOREVER to fall asleep. Oh well, you only get to celebrate once a year right? (Or maybe twice for my kids.)


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

i read your blog! don't delete it!


cadovius said...

i read it too
i love reading about the boys and life in NC!
sure do miss yall