Sunday, June 29, 2008

Renata's Top OCD Tendencies

Just for fun...I thought I'd list my top OCD tendencies because they are goofy and I'm goofy and I was just thinking about this the other day and I thought it'd be a funny blog.

When I eat fast food, I have to use the napkin from that place to wipe my mouth. I discovered this one recently when I had Arby's napkins in my car, but I had to dig through the bag to find my Wendy's napkins since I was eating Wendy's food. Strange I know!

When I erase the board in my classroom, I can't stand stray marks on the board. I have to get every spot.

To go along with the previous, I can't have the overhead string hanging down in the middle of the board. It drives me CRAZY.

My car keys have to be in my right pocket, and my school keys have to be in my left. Something I've always done. I added the left pocket-school keys when I started teaching.

When I eat a sandwich or burger, I flip it and eat from the opposite side. Some people do both, some people eat it the other way, I don't.

When I eat a sandwich, I eat about halfway through, and then I eat around the outside until I finish the crust, only then do I eat the rest of the sandwich. WHY? Because I don't like the crust as much and I don't want that to be the last thing I taste.

I like things symmetrical, so I have been known to rehang picture frames in peoples offices or houses.

Well, that's enough for now......Later taters

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