Monday, August 11, 2008


After I went to bed last night, I thought, "Man, I should have blogged about Raiden too." So here's his story from yesterday:

We went out to eat after church, and we missed the early service, so we sat at a table while Daddy stood in line with all of the other church goers at Subway. Anyway, this put us home really late, which made Raiden late taking a nap. So after about an hour I heard him throw his empty cup out of his crib on to his hardwood floor and start fussing. This is Raiden's true sign that he wants me to come check on him.

So, I went in there, and the master creator confessed to filling his diaper with a not so pleasant aroma. I took off his cute overalls (Daddy has even gotten Roman into saying that Raiden's little overalls look like he's wearing a dress, but they are oh so cute and this is his last year of wearing anything too cute before he starts having to look tough.) and changed his diaper and decided that since we don't have any A/C today ("the man" is coming to fix it this afternoon, we hope) I should just leave him in just his diaper.

I leave him to drift off to dreamland, very doubtful that he's going to get there because he's jumping around like he just ate 2 vats of double chocolate (I know, studies have shown that chocolate has no affect on most kids). Anyway, roughly 40 minutes later I hear him start fussing again and can make out, in between the announcers of the Olympic beach volleyball match I was watching, that he is saying "Pee pee! Pee pee!" So I decided that since the volleyball match is right at a critical point and the players couldn't possibly finish without my viewing, that I'd wait a few minutes before checking on him, who knows, maybe he'd settle down.

The match finishes (not the way I wanted it) and I lend my ear toward his room and hear nothing. "Hmm, guess he's out!" So I push my recliner back and drift off to dream land. A little while later, Daddy decides that maybe Raiden needs checking on, since he was in there awake for so long and he goes into check on him. What does he discover you may ask??

Raiden decided that he needed his diaper changed, so he took it off, and tossed it over the rail onto the floor. Then, I guess he was just really tired, so he went to sleep. There he was butt-naked in his crib, fast asleep.

Incidently, he slept til almost 6, at which time Roman and I decided to go get him up. Roman thought it was the funniest thing that Raiden had on clothes or diaper on. And fortunately, he didn't even pee in the bed. As soon as I got him up, I took him to the potty (yeah, we're not interested yet) and I put a diaper on him. WOO HOO!! No mess to clean up, but quite a funny story!

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