Monday, August 10, 2015

Raiden: End of Summer Update

Raiden's summer has been just as busy as Roman's, although his has been busier here at the end of summer, where Roman's was busy at the beginning. Raiden went to Cub Scout Day Camp at NC Wesleyan this year while Roman was off at YMCA camp. He really enjoyed the camp there. He has been to the twilight camp in Pitt County and the Wilson District's day camp at Camp Charles, but he really liked this one the best. This year's theme was space so he enjoyed making a bottle rocket and a spaceship, but as always, his favorite things were the shooting and archery range as well as playing football with his den.

Raiden had a great week at SMBC. He really enjoyed the pool as always. A few weeks after camp, Raiden said, "Mom, how old do you have to be to work at South Mountain?" I told him at least 16, and he said, "That's what I want to do when I turn 16." It melted my heart to hear the love and passion he has for a place that is so near and dear to my heart. I don't know if that will ever become a reality, but it made me feel good to know that he values camp as much as I do.

Raiden and Mom selfie

I'm not sure if you know that Raiden is our first family comedian. Until Teagan came along, he was the only comedian, so he has been making us laugh by himself for years. I can only imagine what it will be like when Teagan gets a little older and they can double team us. Anyway, these are a few photos from when Raiden and I went to visit the boys at Scout Camp. 

Raiden was excited about his dew rag

Of course, I have zero pictures of Raiden at the lake. I promise he was there, and we were all there together. It's just much more difficult to take pictures with two littles running/crawling around.
Raiden spent more time this year riding his bike around the campground instead of swimming like he did last year, but he still had fun.
Raiden in his practice uniform

The biggest event of the summer that Raiden counted down to was football camp, followed by tryouts. He was so excited about starting football. We weren't sure if he would like it because of the hard hitting, but so far, so good. The first day he got his pads he wore them ALL day the next day.

So long summer...

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